Complaints Policy

Weaverham Surgery’s complaints procedure complies with the “NHS complaints procedure”. We hope that the complaint can be resolved through our practice complaints procedure, by telephoning or writing to the Practice Manager. A leaflet is available at reception to explain the procedure in more detail. Your complaint will be acknowledge within 5 working days and you will receive a response within 28 working days or the timescale agreed with you.

The practice management team hope that if you have a problem, you will use the Practice Complaints Procedure.


Patients can either complain direct to the provider (GP practice) or to the commissioner (C&M ICB) but cannot complain to both and also can’t complain to one first then then the other.


However, if you feel you cannot raise your complaint with us, or you are dissatisfied with the response received from us, you can contact the following teams:


Patient Experience Team,

Cheshire & Merseyside ICB (replaces NHS England)

T: 0800 132 996 E-mail:


Healthwatch Cheshire CIC

Healthwatch Cheshire CIC offers an NHS Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS).

ICAS advocacy works within the NHS complaints regulations and can help you to use the NHS complaints process

to have your voice heard. Tel: 0300 323 0006 Email:


Patients can either complain direct to the provider (GP practice) or to the commissioner (C&M ICB) They cannot complain to both and the can’t complain to one first then then the other.

The email address is